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Célia Tavares

Associate Researcher

Célia Tavares is a senior lecturer at ISCAP, in the area of Languages. She holds a PhD from the University of Vigo in Translation and Paratranslation and is a specialist in Languages and Cultures – Languages and Foreign Literature from ISCAP. The researcher also holds a Master of Multimedia in Education from the University of Aveiro and a Bachelor of Specialised Translation and Interpretation from ISCAP.
Célia Tavares is the director of the postgraduate course in Specialised Translation and Translation Tools, and a member of the Editorial Board of Polissema – Journal of Letters of ISCAP (annual journal).
She is a member of the research unit on Communication and Languages in Organisational Environments at CEOS.PP, since 2017. Her research interests include Translation; Computer-Assisted Translation; Machine Translation; English for specific purposes; Language Learning and E/B-learning.

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